StFX Alumni - Ottawa Chapter

StFX Alumni - Ottawa Chapter
Look here to connect with the Xaverian Family in our Nation's Capital, and for news about what's happening back on campus.
Email us at

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Watch X-Ring Live!

Four days until X-Ring! 

If you're not on campus, be sure to tune in Dec. 3, at 1pm EST, to watch the ceremony live.

In the mean time, do you have any X-Ring Stories you'd like to share?  If so, add them to the comments section below!

And remember, the Ottawa Chapter will be celebrating the Feast of St. Francis Xavier on Friday, September 30 with mass and a reception at St. Patrick's Basilica (281 Nepean St) starting at 4:30.

An X-Ring Party at Patty Boland's will follow at 9pm!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Celebrate the Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Join the StFX Alumni - Ottawa Chapter as it celebrates the 
Feast of St. Francis Xavieron Friday, November 30.

Mass will be celebrated at St. Patrick's Basilica 
(281Nepean St) at 4:30pm.

A reception with light refreshments is to follow in the church Scavi, from 5-7pm.

We are very pleased to welcome a special guest to this year's celebration: Leo MacPherson.  Leo is the Director of Athletics and Recreation at StFX, and the current CIS President.

Please RSVP to by Tuesday, November 27.


In addition to the mass and reception, alumni will be gathering at Patty Boland's Pub (101 Clarence St, in the Market) for an X-Ring Party at 9pm.


Friday, 2 November 2012

X-Women Rugby Host CIS National Championships

The X-Women Rugby team is taking their undefeated season into the CIS National Championships this weekend, Nov 1 - 4, on their home turf.

The tournament hosts showed why they were ranked No. 1 in the country for the entire 2012 season as they cruised to a 53-10 win over the Queen's Gaels in the first pool B match of the CIS women's rugby championship on Thursday afternoon.

You can watch each game of the Women's Rugby Championships on the CIS website, here: For a full tournament schedule see below.

From here is Ottawa, GO X-WOMEN GO!!!!